How to Hack WiFi WPA/WPA2 Security
Today everyone wants to bypass the security key window of wifi and access the wifi around them. Today most of the wifi are encrypted with the WPA and WPA2 security these security are somehow vulnerable to some wifi hacking attacks as the WEP is the most secure encryption of Wifi that are most used by the people who have knowledge about hacking and their attacks. So in this post i will tell you the vulnerability of this encryption and how to hack Wifi by hacking WPA and WPA2 security over it. Just read out the below post to proceed.
How to Hack WiFi WPA/WPA2 Security – WIFIPHISHER
Here is the method to hack wifi WPA/WPA2 secuirty
using WIFIPHISHER. There are many hacking tools that are available on
Internet that can hack a secure Wi-Fi network but this tool is published
by George Chatzisofroniou that automates the multiple Wi-Fi hacking techniques and make it slightly different from all others. Also George Chatzisofroniou published this Method for Hacking WPA/WPA2 Security with a WiFi social engineering tool that has been designed to steal the credentials from the users of secure wireless networks.
Working Of Wifiphisher
Wifiphisher is one of the security tool that mounts the fast automated phishing attacks which are against WPA networks and in order to obtain all the secret passphrase of the network.This is a type of social engineering attack that not work like other methods as it does not include any of brute forcing. It is very easy way to obtain WPA credentials of users.This software works in Linux operating system and is licensed by MIT license.
Three Phases of this attack is listed below.
- Firstly Victim is being deauthenticated from its access point and the this software continuously jams all the target devices at the access points by altering the access point of all the device through the main server.
- With this attack Victim will joins a rogue access point that is just a virtual access point.Now this Wifiphisher sniffs all the area and then copies the target access point’s settings over the network.Then it creates a new rogue wireless access point that is the modeled on the target and it also sets up a NAT/DHCP server that forwards it to the right ports.And because of the jamming the clients will start connecting to a rogue access point and after that victim get Mitimed.